I've been busy fixing bugs and making skydive accessibly to as many people as possible. People don't want to register on a new page, especially when it's a new page. At first I had a simple register/login-mechanic, which wasn't well received. Then I made it accessible to everybody, storing information based on IP, but that's not very safe and people were playing on eachothers accounts. So I ended up making a facebook-connect mechanic combined with the usual login-system. I don't know yet how this will work out. Hopeullfy it is not as intimidating. If you don't sign in you can still play the demo.

Facebook connect allowed me to make a challenge system where a player can play a level and send his time to a friend who in turn must beat that time in order to win. I'm not sure how this will be used. It's just finished but it will be interesting to see if people will use it.
Next up is marketing the game. As well as working on some other projects. I would prefer just to make games, but it's more fun if people know about them and can enjoy them.
I made a few public challenges that can be accepted. You can try it here:
Play skydiveBarswingIn lack of gamedevelopment recently I uploaded a small prototype for another idea I came up with. I just wanted it to be a really small game, but the ideas are growing in my head :) This one is intended for Android, so I'm eagerly waiting for Unity3d to release the Android Indie version.
Try Barswing